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Machine Learning

Google I/O Korea 2017

by swconsulting 2017. 7. 3.

I think important key word.

TPU / Cloud TPU

TensorFlow 1.3 (every 6weeks update <- It is really quick update.)

Keras API (easy tensorflow ?)

XLA Compiler (TF support java ?)

TensorFlow Serving -> Model save/export used by protocol buffer

Android O =>TensorFlow Lite (It will include tensorflow library)

Google Lens -> Image matching...

Kotlin -> Android Studio 3.0 support -> Google officially support it



WAS  -> Normally 1 seconds 1500 connections

       -> Good development max 1 seconds 5000 connections

       -> Cloud no limit 

[Data Pipeline]

Machine Learning ( Deep Learning ) -> Data collect most important -> Easy to access massive data <- It is very important.

Machine Learning => IDEA + PLUS(Business Knowledge) 

[Firebase -> Very useful]

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