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by swconsulting 2018. 8. 7.

1) Change currency nation config.

2) Input currency money -> ex) If you bought a 1 dollar by 0.85 euro.

(You can understand below image.)

If you bought a 1 dollar by 0.85 euro.

1) Indicate that your currency increase or decrease. 

Above image show that you bought a little bit cheap (0.01 cent). 

2) If you bought a cheap price that background color change blue color.

on the other you bought a expensive price that background color change orange color.

I hope this app help a little bit for you.

'엑스고' 카테고리의 다른 글

eXGo 개인 정보 보호 정책  (0) 2019.07.05
엑스고(eXGo)  (0) 2018.08.07