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Which is best LINQ or SQL queries? I'm assuming that you are referring to LINQ-to-SQL when you mean LINQ, which is basically using LINQ syntax to create and query your databases much like you would using SQL.I would recommend checking out this Stack Overflow discussion, which covers some of the advantages of using LINQ-to-SQL such as : No magic strings, like you have in SQL queriesIntellisenseCompile check when database changesFa.. 2018. 2. 4.
Populate data table from data reader You can load a DataTable directly from a data reader using the Load() method that accepts an IDataReader.var dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); var dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Load(dataReader); SOURCE : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18961938/populate-data-table-from-data-reader 2018. 2. 2.
TraceListener C# Logging using Trace and DebugView 1)https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.tracelistener(v=vs.110).aspx 2)http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/puranindia/tracelistener-classes-in-c-sharp/ 3)http://dickvdbrink.github.io/c%23/2015/01/09/CSharp-Logging-using-Trace-and-DebugView.html https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/debug-trace-profile/how-to-create-initia.. 2017. 12. 7.
왜 C#은 인기가 없을까? 아니면 저평가 되었을까? C# 인기없는 이유1) Microsoft가 만들었다.2) Windows 이외 플랫폼에서 동작하지 않는다.3) Open Source 그룹에서 싫어한다.(왜 MS가 만들어서...) 하지만,사용해 보면 정말 서버 프레임 워크 개발할때 정말 강력하고 라이브러리 많고 믿을 수 있는 강력한 언어이다. 궁극의 개발툴 비주얼 스튜디오로 개발하면 빠르게 편하게(디버깅) 개발 할 수있다.) 자세한 내용 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why is C# so underrated when you can create apps for almost any platform with .. 2017. 11. 17.